

  • 2020-present
    PhD in Information Systems
    University of Münster, Germany
  • Summer 2022
    MLSS^N Summer School
    Jagiellonian University Kraków, Poland
    • Engaged in talks and workshops by renowned researchers on current machine learning topics
    • Program Overview
  • 2018-2020
    MSc in Information Systems
    University of Münster, Germany
    • Thesis on graph neural networks in the area of organic chemistry
  • Winter 2019
    Exchange Semester
    University of Sydney, Australia
    • Courses in machine learning, cyber security and statistical modeling
  • 2014-2017
    BSc in Information Systems
    University of Applied Sciences Weserbergland, Germany
    • Thesis on continuous deployment with Kubernetes in the data center of a large banking platform provider
    • Part of an integrated university program in collaboration with Atruvia AG

Work Experience

  • 2020 - present
    Research Assistant
    Lab of Machine Learning and Data Engineering, University of Münster, Germany
    • Conducted extensive research resulting into multiple publications
    • Delivered lectures and supervised bachelor/master theses
  • 2017-2020
    Linux System Engineer
    Atruvia AG, Münster, Germany
    • Involved in projects for establishing a container platform for banking applications
  • 2014-2017
    Integrated University Program
    Atruvia AG, Münster, Germany
    • Vocational training as part of an integrated university program